Gordon Campbell On Why Having Elections Less Often Is A Bad Idea
Are we feeling the country is in such capable hands, that we can afford to take a longer break between elections? Outside the parliamentary bubble […]
Are we feeling the country is in such capable hands, that we can afford to take a longer break between elections? Outside the parliamentary bubble […]
Donald Trump made his fortune by speculating in real estate. These days, Christopher Luxon makes a lot of his money the very same way. True, […]
According to Social Development Minister Louise Upton her latest crackdown on the unemployed is just “common sense.” Oh, really. Upston is threatening to reduce or […]
We all know the “tough on crime” approach is only a stop gap measure at best, and that a justice model based on incarceration doesn’t […]
Given the crackdown on wasteful government spending, it behooves me to point to a high profile example of spending by the Luxon government that looks […]
Here’s a tale of two sunset industries. One has a track record of quality investigative reporting, and sound reportage of the 24/7 news cycle. The […]
It is a political strategy as old as time. Scare the public with tales of disaster and stampede them into supporting your ideological agenda because […]
Earlier this week, PM Christopher Luxon met with 48 public service CEOs to make sure they were on board with his plans to cut spending […]
Truth in packaging can be a political rarity, but the gap between what the Luxon administration says it is doing and what its policies will […]
Since ACT is sponsoring the Treaty Principles Bill, it is understandable that David Seymour should be catching most of the flak being generated by the […]
Well that didn’t last long, did it? Mere days after taking on what he called the “awesome responsibility” of being Prime Minister, M Christopher Luxon […]
Reportedly, National has finalised the details of its separate policy programmes with (a) the Act Party and (b) with New Zealand First. Terrific. Yet surprisingly, […]
Who is this Christopher Luxon fellow, really? Over the past two years, we have had so many invitations to find the pearl in the oyster. […]
The surge, the surge. It was within the margin of error in one poll, and the increase in Labour support in the other poll still […]
Debate time: In contrast to most debates, political debates aren’t simply about winning on points of logic, but are also about looking likeable on television […]
Supposedly, people get the governments they deserve, but what on earth did we do in our past lives to deserve an Opposition as shambolic as […]
It has now been six days since National unveiled its tax plan – eons ago in the 24/7 news cycle – but the credibility problem […]
As a spectacle, politics can be pretty boring. MMP politics isn’t a cage fight, or even (ultimately) a struggle between individual parties. Moreover… Under MMP, […]
National has developed a novel election strategy. It involves being both for and against almost every issue that comes down the pike. The use of […]
In the last year of a second term in government. the election outcome shouldn’t even be close. All that’s required for a competent Opposition to […]
There are sound economic reasons (and equally good reasons to do with social equality) why the Three Waters scheme would centralise water management into four […]
National Party leader Christopher Luxon seems to be quite a big fan of the conservative mullet – long on populist posturing at the front, but […]
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